07 Game Results 2014-06-07 SAT Kolya + Lenia + Mitia = 7 GOALS!


Game Overview

First goal was not allowed because Lyonya earnestly call hands on himself, and litelaay next moment Kolya P. intercepts and scores into opposite goals.  That felt like changing the whole character of the game, but in relity DARKs were simply faster today.  Kevin, Mitia and Igor Go. were opening up everywhere, while Seresha, Ilya L. and Bobby was holding the defense.  Passe were constantly misfiring, and  ecept from few corner serves from Lyonya G. there is nothing nice to writeabout WHITEs today. And spark was completely missing from WHITEs.

2014-06-07 SAT 11:30


 Oleg picked for WHITEs  Mitia picked for DARKs
 Mitia takes the lead with 3 wins in 3 games!
 We are in the shadow of the World Cup in Brasil  Link to FIFA countries ranking:http://www.fifa.com/worldranking/rankingtable/
Ukraine is number 16;  Russia is number 19.


Game Timeline

09:56 – 0:1 – intercept in front of the goals and score! – Kolya P.
10:00 – 1:1 – Ilya B.
10:07 – 1:2 – Mitia – well deserver goal that was building up from previous games – pass from Vadim L.
10:16 – 1:3 – Lenia Ch. – header – Misha P almost stopped it
10:24 – 1:4 – Bobby scores from a sharp angle after being kicked off his feet (fault)  near the box
10:28 – 1:5 – Kolya P. rebound shot after ball hit the post
10:40 – 2:5 – Reggie – header after a corner serve from Lyonya G. – this is th last goal for WHITEs
10:56 – 2:6 – Mitia – second goal!
11:02 – 2:7 – Lenia Ch. scores his second goal from a sharp angle 11:13 – 2:8 – Lenia Ch. scores on Oleg from a short distance
11:18 – * * * * *  T H E    E N D   * * * * *

07 Game 2014-06-07 SAT

Standings after 07 Games

2 game will qualify a player to be visible her:

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Mitia 3 3 2 0.667
02 Alex Grt 7 2 8 1.143
03 Kolya P. 3 1 5 1.667
04 Yura A. 2 1 3 1.5
05 Stas R. 3 1 2 0.667
06 Serezha 3 1 2 0.667
07 Vlad R. 2 1 1 0.5
08 Alex Z. 2 1 1 0.5
09 Nick 3 1 1 0.333
10 Lyonya G. 4 1 1 0.25
11 Vadim L. 3 1 0 0
12 Michel 2 1 0 0
13 Igor Gr. 2 1 0 0
14 Vlad 2 2 0 4 2
15 Sasha N. 2 0 2 1
16 Victor 3 0 2 0.667
17 Misha P. 4 0 2 0.5
18 Bobby 4 0 2 0.5
19 Kevin 2 0 1 0.5
20 Ilya B. 3 0 1 0.333
21 Ilya L. 3 0 0 0
22 Dr. Yurik 2 -1 5 2.5
23 Stas M. 2 -1 0 0
24 Ruslan 2 -1 0 0
25 Lenia Ch. 5 -2 6 1.2
26 Lesha K. 3 -2 2 0.667
27 Vladis Sh. 2 -2 0 0
28 Oleg 2 -2 0 0
29 Jamie 2 -2 0 0
30 Boris Ra. 2 -2 0 0
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