28 Game Results – 2013-04-28 SUN – Last 18 minutes of the season


 Igor Gr. and  Boris Sh. picked for secondary game  Grisha Rom. and Victor picked for primary game
 Both teams had plenty of players to choose from
 Sunscreen is a must in this last game of Spring season  Oleg saved a sure goals against Boris R. sudden bust – and entire game is lost for WHITEs
 Season is over – congratulations to Zhenia A. for an amazing result
 Oleg wins most visible player title  Vova M. and Kolya P. grab highest Goals-per-Game title – TWO goals per game exactly
 See complete Spring 2013 season tables below


Game Timeline

09:37 – 0:0 – Start on a our favorite small filed next to tennis courts

09:59 – 4:0 – A good-looking series of goals – two from Vova M. and two from Fred

10:6 – 6:0 – two more goals – from Stas R. and again from Vova M.


****** DARKs do have a sharp attacks, but all shots go above the net *****


10:08 – 6:1 – Alex Z.

10:08 – Lyonya G. enter for WHITEs to equalize teams

10:15 – 7:1 – Lyonya G. scores a header after a third  pass-on-goal from Boris R.

10:18 – 7:2 – Ilya L. begins the long tedious journey upwards

10:20 – 7:3 – Ilya L.

10:27 – 7:4 – Ilya B. scores after a awkward pass from Alex Grt.   Ball hits the post and only second shot reaches the target

10:29 – 8:4 – Vova M. – very important goal – pass from Misha Tax.

10:43 – 8:5 – Ilya B. score near post on Sergey K.

10:44 – 9:5 – Fred immediately returns a favor

10:50 – 10:5 – Lyonya G. scores into empty net after a pass from Fred – very import and very last goal for WHITEs


***** Watch what would happened in the next 18 minutes     *****


10:50 – 10:6 – Ilya L. -scores his third goal – low and composed shot

10:55 – 10:7 – Victor – individual trip, stop and shot – DARKs are now have a real hope of coming back

10:56 -10:8 – Zhenia Vol. finally scores after long rest in defense

11:00 – Boris R. completely alone with the ball, but Oleg just stopped him from scoring – what a disaster!

11:03 – 10:9 – Zhenia Vol. scores again – they can really win now!

11:06 – 10:10 – It is unreal, but it is true – Alex Z. strikes again

11:08 – 10:11 – Ilya L. scores his fourth, and the most import, and the very last goal of the Spring season – what a battle!

28 Game 2013-04-28-SUN


Final Results – Spring 2013 Season (28 Games)

Only 30 player qualified for a season tournament with 6 games or more:

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Zhenia A. 17 10 6 0.353
02 Zhenia T. 12 7 22 1.833
03 Lesha K. 12 6 17 1.417
04 Vadim L. 17 4 10 0.588
05 Lenia Ch. 11 4 4 0.364
06 Vova M. 6 3 12 2
07 Kolya P. 6 3 12 2
08 Damon 10 1 10 1
09 Lyonya G. 15 1 11 0.733
10 Stas M. 15 1 7 0.467
11 Vlad U. 10 1 3 0.3
12 Oliver 6 0 9 1.5
13 Ilya L. 8 0 6 0.75
14 Alp 6 0 4 0.667
15 Clive 10 0 4 0.4
16 Pasha S. 8 0 3 0.375
17 Vladis Sh. 8 0 1 0.125
18 Zhenia D. 7 -1 11 1.571
19 Isa 6 -1 8 1.333
20 Dr. Yurik 21 -1 15 0.714
21 Bobby 6 -1 2 0.333
22 Alex F. 8 -1 2 0.25
23 Cüneyt 10 -2 19 1.9
24 Yura B. 7 -3 7 1
25 Misha P. 15 -3 9 0.6
26 Yura D. 8 -3 3 0.375
27 Oleg 22 -3 6 0.273
28 Alex Grt 28 -5 24 0.857
29 Sergey K. 14 -6 6 0.429
30 Andres 11 -7 15 1.364


Season 10 most visible players

Appeared in most season games:

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Oleg 22 -3 6 0.273
02 Dr. Yurik 21 -1 15 0.714
03 Vadim L. 17 4 10 0.588
04 Zhenia A. 17 10 6 0.353
05 Lyonya G. 15 1 11 0.733
06 Misha P. 15 -3 9 0.6
07 Stas M. 15 1 7 0.467
08 Sergey K. 14 -6 6 0.429
09 Zhenia T. 12 7 22 1.833
10 Lesha K. 12 6 17 1.417

Top 15 players with most goals scored

All players qualified:

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Alex Grt 28 -5 24 0.857
02 Zhenia T. 12 7 22 1.833
03 Cüneyt 10 -2 19 1.9
04 Lesha K. 12 6 17 1.417
05 Andres 11 -7 15 1.364
06 Dr. Yurik 21 -1 15 0.714
07 Vova M. 6 3 12 2
08 Kolya P. 6 3 12 2
09 Egor 2 2 11 5.5
10 Zhenia D. 7 -1 11 1.571
11 Lyonya G. 15 1 11 0.733
12 Damon 10 1 10 1
13 Vadim L. 17 4 10 0.588
14 Oliver 6 0 9 1.5
15 Misha P. 15 -3 9 0.6

Highest goals-per-game season results

All with 18 above 0.5 per-game. Must have 6game or more to qualify:

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Vova M. 6 3 12 2
02 Kolya P. 6 3 12 2
03 Cüneyt 10 -2 19 1.9
04 Zhenia T. 12 7 22 1.833
05 Zhenia D. 7 -1 11 1.571
06 Oliver 6 0 9 1.5
07 Lesha K. 12 6 17 1.417
08 Andres 11 -7 15 1.364
09 Isa 6 -1 8 1.333
10 Damon 10 1 10 1
11 Yura B. 7 -3 7 1
12 Alex Grt 28 -5 24 0.857
13 Ilya L. 8 0 6 0.75
14 Lyonya G. 15 1 11 0.733
15 Dr. Yurik 21 -1 15 0.714
16 Alp 6 0 4 0.667
17 Misha P. 15 -3 9 0.6
18 Vadim L. 17 4 10 0.588


Next article we’ll review all previous seasons winners.


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