18 Game Results – 2012-07-22 SUN
Ilya B. brought a new Hristo and DARKs lost


 First Kevin and Zhenia D. picked the teams.  It was a powerful 14-on-14        In second division Cüneyt and Grisha Rom. were picking 6-on-6 teams.  2 people were lost in transition.
     Next WHITEs and DARKs went their separate ways to divide one more time    
 Game went from 10:2 for WHITEs        
     … to 12:11 for WHITEs    
         … and finally to 15:11 for WHITEs
 We do not know the results of the other 8-on-8 game        
         Hristo scored 4 goals making his mark and drawing a line between win and loss.


Game Timeline


09:38 – 0:0 – Late, late start due to overcrowding

09:41 – 1:0 – Hristo

09:47 – 2:0 – Cüneyt

09:55 – 2:1 – Grisha Rom. after corner from Alex Z.

10:00 – 3:1 -Hristo

10:02 – 4:1 – Cüneyt

10:03 – 4:2 – Dr. Yurik

10:04 – 5:2 – Lenia Ch.

10:08 – 6:2 – Damon

10:12 – 7:2 – Cüneyt – header

10:14 – 8:2 – Lenia Ch.

10:15 – 9:2 – Hristo

10:21 – 10:2 – Cüneyt

Sub enters for DARKs to make it a 6-on-7 game

10:XX – 10:3 – Sub


10:XX – 10:4 – Grisha Rom. – pass from Alex Grt

10:XX – 10:5 – Alex Z. – pass from Alex Grt

10:XX -11:5 – Hristo

10:XX – 11:6 – Alex Z – header – pass from Grisha Rom.

10:33 – 12:6 – Cüneyt – header

10:XX – 12:7 – Sub – pass from Grisha Rom.

10:37 – 12:8 – Alex Grt – pass from Sub

10:XX – 12:9 – Alex Grt

10:50 – 12:10 – Alex Z. – pass from Alex Grt

10:50 – Dr. Yurik is out to make it 6-on-6 game

10:XX – 12:11 – Alex Z. – pass from Grisha Rom.

10:53 -13:11 – Cüneyt

10:56 – 14:11 – Lenia G.

10:59 – 15:11 – Cüneyt

10:59 – It is all over – So fast, so furious.





Standings after 18 Games

You need 6 games to be visible here: Here is another interesting measure of success – Goals-per-game:
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
1 Alex Grt 18 5 22 1.222
2 Georgi 6 4 12 2
3 Nelson 6 4 5 0.833
4 Kevin 8 4 3 0.375
5 Bobby 8 4 2 0.25
6 Alex Z. 7 3 5 0.714
7 Jamie 7 3 0 0
8 Alex F. 6 3 0 0
9 Lenia Ch. 9 2 13 1.444
10 Yura B. 6 2 6 1
11 Igor Sh. 6 2 2 0.333
12 Cüneyt 7 1 19 2.714
13 Vova M. 13 1 22 1.692
14 Moisha 6 1 7 1.167
15 Sergey K. 8 1 6 0.75
16 Victor 9 1 6 0.667
17 Vadim L. 12 1 4 0.333
18 Marat 7 1 2 0.286
19 Vladis Sh. 7 0 2 0.286
20 Igor G. 6 -1 4 0.667
21 Vlad U. 7 -1 4 0.571
22 Vlad R. 7 -1 4 0.571
23 Ilya L. 7 -1 1 0.143
24 Boris Sh. 7 -2 16 2.286
25 Edik 6 -2 11 1.833
26 Yura D. 8 -2 5 0.625
27 Igor Gr. 6 -2 2 0.333
28 Zhenia A. 6 -2 0 0
29 Dr. Yurik 11 -3 13 1.182
30 Misha P. 13 -3 4 0.308
31 Grisha Rom. 6 -4 14 2.333
32 Ilya B. 6 -4 6 1
33 Oleg 11 -4 1 0.091
34 Yasha 7 -5 0 0
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
1 Cüneyt 7 1 19 2.714
2 Grisha Rom. 6 -4 14 2.333
3 Boris Sh. 7 -2 16 2.286
4 Georgi 6 4 12 2
5 Edik 6 -2 11 1.833
6 Vova M. 13 1 22 1.692
7 Lenia Ch. 9 2 13 1.444
8 Alex Grt 18 5 22 1.222
9 Dr. Yurik 11 -3 13 1.182
10 Moisha 6 1 7 1.167
11 Yura B. 6 2 6 1
12 Ilya B. 6 -4 6 1
13 Nelson 6 4 5 0.833
14 Sergey K. 8 1 6 0.75
15 Alex Z. 7 3 5 0.714
16 Victor 9 1 6 0.667
17 Igor G. 6 -1 4 0.667
18 Yura D. 8 -2 5 0.625
19 Vlad U. 7 -1 4 0.571
20 Vlad R. 7 -1 4 0.571
21 Kevin 8 4 3 0.375
22 Igor Sh. 6 2 2 0.333
23 Vadim L. 12 1 4 0.333
24 Igor Gr. 6 -2 2 0.333
25 Misha P. 13 -3 4 0.308
26 Marat 7 1 2 0.286
27 Vladis Sh. 7 0 2 0.286
28 Bobby 8 4 2 0.25
29 Ilya L. 7 -1 1 0.143
30 Oleg 11 -4 1 0.091
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