12 Game Results – 2013-03-02 SAT 17 players on 100% green field


Turkish team (Cüneyt, Alp and Isa) picked for DARKs and Zhenia T. picked for WHITEs  Snow only remains in one corner, where we tried to clear it 2 weeks ago.
 Fantastically pleasant to play on a normal turf – Worm weather – Welcome back!
 Just look how hard teams fought today  Three times either team was leading by one ore even 2 goals
 Season at exactly at a halfway mark!  It is called SPRING not for nothing


Game Timeline

09:50 – 0:0 – Normal start 7-on-7 on a small filed and small goals – perfect

09:51 – 0:0 – Damon arrives for DARKs and Pash switches for WHITEs

09:55 – 0:0 -Goals are extended.  Clive enters for DARKs and Hurman for WHITEs

I said to Herman: “You have to be WHITE today.”  And he answered:  “I always wanted to be WHITE”.  So it was a perfect match.

10:00 – 0:1 – Cüneyt

10:06 – 0:2 – Cüneyt – two points lead

At this point Clive said that we need to change the teams.  WHITEs are too weak.  Everybody agreed, but nothing changed.

10:23 – 1:2 – Dr. Yurik – very hard goal – Working goal.

10:34 – 2:2 – Oliver – pass from Alex Grt

10:42 – 3:2 – Vova M. – pass from Oliver

10:44 – 3:3 – Cüneyt – goal number 3!

10:53 – 3:4 – Clive scores after defense collapses – Darks take leadership for the second time

10:59 – 4:4 – Vova M. – goal number 2 – pass from snowy region from Zhenia T.

11:05 – 5:4 – Alex Grt – powerful shot into near post on Damon

11:06 – 5:5 – Isa scores around GK Lyonya G. and Alex Grt fails to stop the ball at the goal line.

11:15 – 6:5 – Vova M. – goal number pass from Alex Grt

11:20 – 7:5 – Zhenia T.

11:23 – 8:5 – Zhenia T.

11:24 – 9:5 – Vova M. – goal number 4! – The END


Yura-B-on-VMACStandings after 12 Games

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Zhenia A. 10 7 6 0.6
02 Lesha K. 4 4 13 3.25
03 Zhenia T. 5 2 9 1.8
04 Andrey B. 3 1 8 2.667
05 Cüneyt 4 1 9 2.25
06 Isa 3 1 5 1.667
07 Zhenia D. 3 1 2 0.667
08 Bobby 3 1 2 0.667
09 Alex F. 4 1 2 0.5
10 Misha P. 3 0 6 2
11 Dr. Yurik 8 0 10 1.25
12 Damon 7 0 8 1.143
13 Vladis Sh. 3 0 1 0.333
14 Stas M. 3 -1 4 1.333
15 Vadim L. 10 -1 8 0.8
16 Sergey K. 6 -1 4 0.667
17 Alp 3 -1 2 0.667
18 Lyonya G. 6 -1 3 0.5
19 Pasha S. 6 -1 2 0.333
20 Vlad U. 3 -1 1 0.333
21 Clive 5 -2 3 0.6
22 Alex Grt 12 -3 14 1.167
23 Oleg 10 -3 6 0.6
24 Yura B. 6 -4 6 1
25 Andres 8 -5 12 1.5
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