
*** Use Wildcards with REG DELETE (Almost) ***

I loved writing this article.  You will se here the power of good old batch commands.  Amazing! Say, I am trying to resolve a problem in a registry.  To isolate the problem, I need to delete hundreds of branches from an externally loaded Registry hive QQ\Classes from a parallel instance. For […]

Office and Browsers

Read Registry value into a batch variable

Before I forget, let me share with you a fantastic way to read values from Registry into a batch file variable. Say you need to determine, what is the date format of this machine.  Normally you would read a value from HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International like this: REG QUERY “HKCU\Control Panel\International” /v […]

Office and Browsers

How to Remove Search Box in IE8

Do you hate an extraneous search box that is cluttering your valuable real estate space in an IE address bar? This article was tested with IE8 on Windows XP and Windows 7.   Remove Search box using gpedit.msc If you are using IE8, there is a simple way to remove […]