Game Results 2011-11-13 SUN – Vote for Lighted Wednesday

To get a game on Wednesday we need peoples votes.
Olmsted Park appears to be a City of Boston domain, and lights are on till 11 PM.

Here are today’s game highlights:

09:15 Message Received – All Essentials arrived on Time.

09:25 *** START *** Teams selected by Zhenia V. and Igor Gr.   Game starts 1o on 11.

09:27 Christof is the last to enter for WHITEs.  Teams are now 11 on 11.

09:43 – 1:1 – Grisha Rom. elegant goal after Bobby‘s pass.  A reply to an early Dr. Yurik quick header.

09:58 – 2:2 – Dr. Yurik second header after serve from Nelson.  A reply to Stas R. merciless shot.

10:08 – 3:3 – Zhenia V. scored after a pass from Vlad U.  A reply to a solo Giorgi run, escorted by Arnaud.

The most difficult portion of the game.  Scoreless.  Bitter.  Contentious.  Everything is on the line.

10:53 – 4:3 – Finally, after 45 minutes without a single goal Zhenia V. breaks the ice.

11:02 – 5:3 – Vlad U.  It is all over.  This is a very low scoring game.  All 95 minutes of it.

 Two very interesting things to notice.  First, is a remarkable 6 out of 6 for Cüneyt.  Second, is Dr. Yurik jump from the last place with -4 (minus four) on September 18 to a current 4-th place with +4 (plus four).  Who said that vertical jump is not possible? Only one tenth of  a point
separates three leaders in
a goals-per-game pursuit:
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Cüneyt 6 6 13 2.167
02 Alex Grt 20 5 22 1.1
03 Yakov 7 5 0 0
04 Dr. Yurik 18 4 13 0.722
05 Grisha Rom. 9 3 11 1.222
06 Boris R. 7 3 8 1.143
07 Vlad U. 8 3 3 0.375
08 Nelson 7 2 5 0.714
09 Zhenia V. 6 1 16 2.667
10 Max 7 1 6 0.857
11 Yura D. 6 1 2 0.333
12 Arnaud 8 1 2 0.25
13 Zhenia A. 7 1 1 0.143
14 Dima B. 6 1 0 0
15 Misha P. 13 0 5 0.385
16 Kevin 14 -1 8 0.571
17 Vladis Sh. 7 -1 3 0.429
18 Stas M. 7 -1 3 0.429
19 Ilya L. 13 -1 3 0.231
20 Vova M. 13 -2 33 2.538
21 Ruslan 7 -2 10 1.429
22 Victor 14 -2 6 0.429
23 Alex Z. 7 -3 5 0.714
24 Lesha K. 6 -3 2 0.333
25 Marat 8 -3 2 0.25
26 Vadim L. 12 -3 2 0.167
27 Giorgi 9 -4 16 1.778
28 Andres 6 -4 8 1.333
29 Sasha L. 9 -5 23 2.556
30 Oleg 16 -5 4 0.25
31 Lyonya G. 16 -11 7 0.438
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Zhenia V. 6 1 16 2.667
02 Sasha L. 9 -5 23 2.556
03 Vova M. 13 -2 33 2.538
04 Cüneyt 6 6 13 2.167
05 Giorgi 9 -4 16 1.778
06 Ruslan 7 -2 10 1.429
07 Andres 6 -4 8 1.333
08 Grisha Rom. 9 3 11 1.222
09 Boris R. 7 3 8 1.143
10 Alex Grt 20 5 22 1.1
11 Max 7 1 6 0.857
12 Dr. Yurik 18 4 13 0.722
13 Nelson 7 2 5 0.714
14 Alex Z. 7 -3 5 0.714
15 Kevin 14 -1 8 0.571
16 Lyonya G. 16 -11 7 0.438
17 Vladis Sh. 7 -1 3 0.429
18 Stas M. 7 -1 3 0.429
19 Victor 14 -2 6 0.429
20 Misha P. 13 0 5 0.385
21 Vlad U. 8 3 3 0.375
22 Yura D. 6 1 2 0.333
23 Lesha K. 6 -3 2 0.333
24 Arnaud 8 1 2 0.25
25 Marat 8 -3 2 0.25
26 Oleg 16 -5 4 0.25
27 Ilya L. 13 -1 3 0.231
28 Vadim L. 12 -3 2 0.167
29 Zhenia A. 7 1 1 0.143


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