Home Forums Outside Places France Vacation – Topics to Cover

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  • #3319
    Udar Gromov

    I am preparing a next round of blog posts based on my France vacation in July 2014.

    Please let me know, if you would be interested to ask questions or comment on these topics:

    – Paris – apartment living on active Rue de Lappe (near Bastille)

    – Driving in France (130 km/h) and Spain (120 km/h). Can you “turn on red” in France? – Note special blinking yellow arrow. Diesel is called Gazole in France.

    – Food in France and Spain. France: Meat and cheese are everywhere – tough choices for vegans. Spain: “Patatas bravas” – it is fried potatoes; Fresh fruits as a desert is common in Spain.

    – Booking.com – your perfect ally – We booked on the mornig of day of arrival in accordance with our plans for that day. There are plenty of options for under €100 a night

    – Credit cards (MC, Visa) with a chip, but without a pin are OK. American Express is not widely accepted. Swipe or insert the card

    – French words and phrases on your iPhone

    Topics for 2014-07-06 SUN Walk:
    – 11:00 Very beginning of the vacation;
    – 12:00 Morning – Photo camera fell down on a kitchen floor;
    – 13:30 Montparnasse Cemetery / Cimetiere Montparnasse
    – 14:00 Rain and French Crepes
    – 18:00 Flea market in front of cemetery (Boulevard Edgar Quinet);
    – 19:30 Gardens of Luxemburg;
    – Paris is huge;

    – Using Version international data plan (100mb/$25). Using Google maps offline for navigation. Free APPS for offline navigation.

    For beta preview use this link:


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