Home Forums Outside Places 00 May 2021 AT trip – preparations and planning

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  • #8516
    Udar Gromov

    After the COVID-19 trip to the wild. We are putting all the flu restrictions in the rear-view mirror.

    New this trip:
    — hike with a gun
    — hike with a fanny pack for extra storage
    — hike with some cash to pay for private roads use
    — new 6 ft. piece of Reflectix as a sleeping pad

    I was getting ready for some very cold nights (up to +1°C) and some mild days (under 15-20°C).

    Preliminary, there were 3 options to pick:
    — continue AT in a crowded Massachusetts
    — go over White Mountains in NH – do it properly this time
    — or continue with 100 miles wilderness in ME

    Ultimately, the Maine option was picked. During previous trip to Maine trip, in July-August 2019, I’ve started the 100-miles wilderness section from Monson, ME to Katahdin Iron Works (KIW) Road. This section was about 33 mi. Now, I would continue from KIW Road to Jo Mary Road and even further if time permits. The main challenge was to park the car on one side of the trail and go to the other side without a bike. Bikes are not allowed on these North Woods private roads due to heavy logging traffic.

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