31-32 Game Results – 2012-04-28 SAT – Almost the Season Winner!


 Vadim L. reporting second games results over the phone        Second game – Goals are randomly assigned to the players.  Please comment to assign the acutal names
     Damon scores 3 goals    
Today – 2 games from the start.  Both game are counted!        Cüneyt secong in goals and second in goal-per-game with 5 goals today
     4 captains today: Lyonia and Yakov’s teams both win over Georgi and Kolya teams    
 Boris Sh. reaches coveted 3 goals -per-game in 5 games        We have 3 seasons:
Spring    January – April
Summer May – August
Fall  September – December
     Only one last game remains in the season    
Games merge at 11:11, when only one point separates both pairs . . .        

Second game is also counted today.  Goals are assigned randomly.  Contact the staff to correct:


First Game Timeline

09:47 – 1:1 – Boris Sh. header after corner from Lyonya G.

The same minute Cüneyt scores a clean header  after a serve from Georgi.

10:02 – 2:2 – Alex scores after pass from Georgi.

The same second Boris Sh. scores from mid-line  almost instantaneously.

10:14 – 3:2 – Georgi scores – pass from Cüneyt

10:24 – 3:3 – Nacho – from under the defender leg

10:31 – 4:4 – Alex and Nacho exchange goals

10:38 – 4:5 – Nacho – goal number 3

10:41 – 5:5 – Cüneyt – second powerful and very important goal

10:47 – 7:7 – 2 goals by Georgi and Cüneyt were immediately recouped by  Yura B. and Lenia Ch.

10:49 – 7:8 – Lenia Ch. – another header!  Pass from Nacho

10:49 – 7:9 – Lyonya G. – goals are happening faster that one can record them.

10:50 7:10 –  Sub – rebound from Arkasha B.

10:52 – 8:10 Georgi – goal number 3 – the series is broken?

10:59 – 9:10 – Cüneyt goal number four

11:10 – 2 games merged to create a confusion, and 11 on 11 teams, but the count continues

11:16 – 11:42 – 1 goal for WHITEs and 4 goals for DARKs

11:42 – 10:14 – The End



Standings after 31 Games

This is the season results before the last game.  You have to have 8 games or more: This list shows those who are really close to be a contender:
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
1 Zhenia A. 9 6 3 0.333
2 Kolya P. 12 5 15 1.25
3 Sergey K. 11 4 3 0.273
4 Matt 9 3 23 2.556
5 Victor 15 3 9 0.6
6 Vladis Sh. 9 3 3 0.333
7 Damon 10 2 10 1
8 Oleg 23 2 15 0.652
9 Marat 9 2 3 0.333
10 Stas M. 16 2 5 0.313
11 Clive 10 2 3 0.3
12 Ilya L. 14 0 10 0.714
13 Vadim L. 17 0 6 0.353
14 Igor Gr. 9 0 0 0
15 Cüneyt 12 -1 32 2.667
16 Lesha K. 10 -1 10 1
17 Dr. Yurik 27 -1 20 0.741
18 Max 12 -1 7 0.583
19 Arnaud 10 -2 3 0.3
20 Kevin 16 -3 5 0.313
21 Misha P. 12 -4 12 1
22 Lyonya G. 20 -4 14 0.7
23 Alex Grt 31 -5 40 1.29
24 Bobby 26 -8 23 0.885
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
25 Boris R. 7 2 12 1.714
26 Vova M. 7 4 10 1.429
27 Zhenia D. 7 -2 9 1.286
28 Pawel K. 7 -2 7 1
29 Nelson 7 3 6 0.857
30 Vlad U. 7 2 3 0.429
31 Dima B. 7 -3 3 0.429
32 Serezha 6 3 10 1.667
33 Zhenia V. 6 -4 7 1.167
34 Yura B. 6 3 5 0.833
35 Alex F. 6 -1 0 0
36 Boris Sh. 5 2 15 3
37 Yura D. 5 -1 3 0.6
38 Vlad T. 5 -4 1 0.2
39 Greg 4 0 8 2
40 Andrey B. 4 0 4 1
41 Erick 4 -1 3 0.75
42 Igor Sh. 4 0 2 0.5
43 Grisha L. 4 -4 1 0.25
44 Lenia Ch. 4 2 2 0.5
45 Yasha 4 0 0 0
46 Tim F. 4 0 0 0
47 Peter 4 -2 0 0
48 Pasha 4 -2 0 0
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