27 Game Results – 2013-08-24 SAT – Cüneyt won the season, but might share glory tomorrow


Here is a proposed new rule to prevent early quitting:

Pending final approval, going forward loosing team wins, and the shortage of goals is covered by Auto-Goals, if following conditions are met:
Winning team quits playing before 11:30 am;
– More that 50% of original losing team is demanding to continue to play;
Field to play is still available;
Weather permitting (except hail, hurricane, flooding, thunderstorm).

Notes:    Original team is the team present at 10am.    All players, who arrived after 10am or who switched after 10am do not count as the  original team.



 Boris R. picked for WHITEs  Cüneyt picked for DARKs
 Oliver disappear from  the first place due to low game count
 Please make yourself heard about proposed early quitting rule . . .  Cüneyt jumped to the first place with most points (5) and most goals (18)
Last Game of the Season: Vova M, Michel and Arkasha B. can challenge the winner tomorrow


Game Timeline

09:42 – 0:0 – Started on a perfectly recovered small field

09:52 – 0:1 – Ilya B.  – pass from Roma

10:02 – 0:2 – Cüneyt – pass from Alp

10:03 – 0:3 – Cüneyt

10:06 – 0:4 – Grisha L. – Stas enters for  WHITEs

10:18 – 1:4 – Alex Grt  –  pass from Lyonya G.

10:33 – 1:5 – intercept, and Dr. Yurik scores a goal

10:49  – 1:6 – Grisha L.

10:56 – 2:6 – Alex Grt  –  pass from Lyonya G. (second time)

11:03 – 3:6 – Bobby – pass from Boris R.

11:08 – 4:6 – Fred scores a super powerful header from a long distance after a pass from Bobby!

11:13 – The END- DARKs quite unexpectedly


27 Game 2013-08-24-SAT


Standings after 27 Games Most Goals Scored
You need 7 games or more to participate here: Everyone can participate in absolute number of goals scored:
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Cüneyt 7 5 18 2.571
02 Vova M. 8 4 5 0.625
03 Michel 10 4 6 0.6
04 Arkasha B. 9 4 3 0.333
05 Arnaud 9 3 3 0.333
06 Clive 7 3 0 0
07 Fred 8 2 8 1
08 Sergey K. 8 2 3 0.375
09 Victor 9 2 3 0.333
10 Vlad T. 8 2 2 0.25
11 Jamie 15 2 2 0.133
12 Zhenia V. 7 1 15 2.143
13 Ilya B. 9 1 8 0.889
14 Roma 9 1 4 0.444
15 Alex Z. 11 1 4 0.364
16 Oleg 20 1 2 0.1
17 Lenia Ch. 17 0 15 0.882
18 Lesha K. 8 0 4 0.5
19 Lyonya G. 17 0 8 0.471
20 Yura D. 10 0 3 0.3
21 Ilya L. 16 -1 7 0.438
22 Dr. Yurik 13 -1 3 0.231
23 Vlad U. 10 -2 8 0.8
24 Alex Grt 27 -2 12 0.444
25 Igor Go. 18 -3 6 0.333
26 Andrey S. 7 -3 1 0.143
27 Misha P. 18 -3 1 0.056
28 Ruslan 9 -4 10 1.111
29 Vadim L. 18 -4 5 0.278
30 Boris R. 12 -5 9 0.75
31 Stas M. 10 -5 2 0.2
32 Boris Sh. 10 -6 7 0.7
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Cüneyt 7 5 18 2.571
02 Oliver 6 5 17 2.833
03 Zhenia V. 7 1 15 2.143
04 Lenia Ch. 17 0 15 0.882
05 Alex Grt 27 -2 12 0.444
06 Sasha L. 2 1 11 5.5
07 Grisha Rom. 6 -2 11 1.833
08 Ruslan 9 -4 10 1.111
09 Boris R. 12 -5 9 0.75
10 Zhenia T. 5 -2 8 1.6
11 Fred 8 2 8 1
12 Ilya B. 9 1 8 0.889
13 Vlad U. 10 -2 8 0.8
14 Lyonya G. 17 0 8 0.471
15 Boris Sh. 10 -6 7 0.7
16 Ilya L. 16 -1 7 0.438
17 Zhenia D. 5 1 6 1.2
18 Kolya P. 6 1 6 1
19 Michel 10 4 6 0.6
20 Igor Go. 18 -3 6 0.333
21 Camilo 4 0 5 1.25
22 Vova M. 8 4 5 0.625
23 Vadim L. 18 -4 5 0.278
24 Zhenia Vol. 2 0 4 2
25 Max Ch. 3 -1 4 1.333
26 Grisha L. 5 -1 4 0.8
27 Tiro 6 -4 4 0.667
28 Lesha K. 8 0 4 0.5
29 Roma 9 1 4 0.444
30 Alex Z. 11 1 4 0.364
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