22 Game Results – 2013-04-07 SUN – Rich are getting richer . . .


 Zhenia V. picked for WHITEs  Boris R. picked for DARKs
 No one expected DARKs no only to win, but even to score any goals.  WHITEs were too, too strong
 Late arrival for WHITEs – Ilya P., Andres and Stas M.  Late arrivals for DARKs – Lenia Ch. and Yan, Misha P.


Game Timeline

09:29 – 0:0 – Start on a small field with medium goals

09:33 – 0:1 – Alex Grt – individual breakthrough

09:41 – 0:1 – Move to a large field – medium goals

09:59 – 1:1 – Dr. Yurik scores a rebound from Oleg

10:15 – 1:1 – Boris Sh. touches the ball and deprives the team of a certain goal!

10:30 – 1:2 – Boris Sh. scores a clean one after a filigree corner from Boris R.

10:31 – 1:3 – Lenia Ch to Boris Sh. to Lesha K and . . .   calm calculated goal

10:41 – 1:4 – Grisha Rom. – this time no too high – well deserved goal from long distance

10:52 – 2:4 – Ilya B. pass from Ilya P. – scores on Vladis Sh.

11:04 – 2:5 – Boris Sh. scores after a corner from Grisha Rom.

11:09 – 3:5 – Ilya B. – between legs of a GK – How did he do it?

11:11 – 4:5 – Ilya P. – individual effort and perfect score

***** This is the point, when knees was shaking in anticipation of a tie *****

11:13 – 4:6 – Boris Sh. scored, but Grisha Rom. strategically jumped

11:17 – 4:7 – Grisha Rom – two goals + two corners = zero regrets

11:17 – ***** The END *****


22 Game 2013-04-07-SUN


Standings after 22 Games

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Zhenia A. 16 9 6 0.375
02 Zhenia T. 11 6 18 1.636
03 Lesha K. 8 4 14 1.75
04 Lenia Ch. 9 4 4 0.444
05 Vadim L. 15 2 9 0.6
06 Damon 10 1 10 1
07 Vladis Sh. 7 1 1 0.143
08 Cüneyt 8 0 14 1.75
09 Lyonya G. 10 0 5 0.5
10 Clive 10 0 4 0.4
11 Pasha S. 8 0 3 0.375
12 Alex F. 7 0 2 0.286
13 Misha P. 9 -1 8 0.889
14 Stas M. 11 -1 6 0.545
15 Vlad U. 8 -1 3 0.375
16 Bobby 6 -1 2 0.333
17 Dr. Yurik 18 -2 14 0.778
18 Zhenia D. 6 -2 3 0.5
19 Alex Grt 22 -3 22 1
20 Yura B. 7 -3 7 1
21 Yura D. 6 -3 2 0.333
22 Sergey K. 12 -4 6 0.5
23 Oleg 18 -5 6 0.333
24 Andres 11 -7 15 1.364
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