2017-12-25 MO – Nine, eight, five – Christmas game!

Despite detriment weather we did play today!

It was 9 (nine) people on Saturday, 8 (eight) on Sunday and 5 (five) today.  And it was great!  Let’s play on more time during this vacation week.  How about Wednesday?

We started at 10:04 with low visibility and steady snow fall and wind.

Zhenia T. and Vlad R. played vs. Alex Grt, Serezha and Yura B. (his son is Andrey B.)

At 10:28 the sun showed up and and everything begin to sparkle – a true Christmas miracle.  Hurrah!

It was a game of hopelessness and recovery.  Game went from 6:1 got Zhenia T. to 6:6 (what a come back).  But at the end Zhenia T. won 10:6.  Vlad R. got a second wind and scored 2 crucial goals.

Plastic bags on our feet helped a lot!

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