19 Game Results – 2012-11-04 SUN Perfect weather – 2H not enough


 4 captains today: Vlad U., Boris R., Arnaud and Alex Grt
 At a crucial point in the game DARKs got reinforcements: Roma, Grisha Rom. and Secam
 WHITEs got Lesha K. and Vadim L.


Game Timeline

09:41 – 0:0 – Start on a large fiend, but perpendicular

09:48 – 0:1 – Carlos shut is blocked, but Vlad T. finishes the job

10:20 – 1:1 – Notice how rare the goals are.  Misha P. approaches from the right, and Dr. Yurik shines

10:42 – 2:1 – Another 20 minutes and defense falters. Zhenia T. calmly passes to Alex Grt and score!

*** Captain Arnaud is out.   Hayk switches for DARKs.  It is 9-on-9 again ***

10:44 – 2:2 – Oliver

10:51 – 2:3 – Sergey K.

10:52 -3:3 – Michel passes to Zhenia T. and another header

10:53 – At this exact point DARKs receive reinforcements from a parallel game:  Roma, Grisha Rom. and Secam.

***** At this exact moment the fate of the game was sealed.  *****

***** The lesson here: always plan your reinforcement.  *****

11:02 – 3:4 – Carlos

11:09 – 4:4 – 4 passes without touching the ground.  Lesha K. passes to Ilya B. and score

11:14  -5:4 – Oleg is out.  Arkasha B. – auto goal – Goal goas to Grisha L.

11:XX – 5:5 – Goal is not recorded – goal goes to Zhenia T.

11:19 – 6:5 – Oliver – second goal – error in defense – bounce from

11:26 – 7:5 – Who? – Grisha L.

11:28 – 8:5 – Carlos – header

11:30 – 8:6 – Alex Grt. – pass from Vadim L.

11:40 – 8:6 – *** The END ***



Standings after 19 Games

This is our regular Win/Loss table for
players with 5 games or more:
This is a table of absolute number of goals
scored regardless of number of games played:
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
1 Oleg 12 4 5 0.417
2 Vlad 2 10 3 23 2.3
3 Grisha Rom. 6 3 11 1.833
4 Alex Grt 18 3 15 0.833
5 Lenia Ch. 8 3 3 0.375
6 Yasha 9 3 0 0
7 Kolya P. 9 2 6 0.667
8 Misha T. 5 2 2 0.4
9 Misha P. 10 2 2 0.2
10 Lyonya G. 8 1 7 0.875
11 Ilya L. 11 1 8 0.727
12 Tony 6 1 4 0.667
13 Jamie 7 1 1 0.143
14 Vova M. 5 0 14 2.8
15 Georgi 7 0 13 1.857
16 Camilo 5 0 4 0.8
17 Lesha K. 7 0 4 0.571
18 Secam 6 0 3 0.5
19 Yura D. 5 0 2 0.4
20 Boris R. 6 -1 11 1.833
21 Roma 8 -1 10 1.25
22 Grisha L. 5 -1 6 1.2
23 Oliver 5 -1 5 1
24 Dr. Yurik 11 -1 9 0.818
25 Arkasha B. 5 -1 2 0.4
26 Michel 12 -1 4 0.333
27 William 5 -1 1 0.2
28 Max 6 -1 0 0
29 John S. 6 -1 0 0
30 Stas M. 5 -1 0 0
31 Hayk 5 -1 0 0
32 Ruslan 6 -2 10 1.667
33 Zhenia V. 5 -3 5 1
34 Victor 9 -4 10 1.111
35 Zhenia A. 8 -4 2 0.25
36 Vadim L. 11 -6 2 0.182
Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
1 Vlad 2 10 3 23 2.3
2 Alex Grt 18 3 15 0.833
3 Vova M. 5 0 14 2.8
4 Georgi 7 0 13 1.857
5 Edik 4 1 12 3
6 Grisha Rom. 6 3 11 1.833
7 Boris R. 6 -1 11 1.833
8 Ruslan 6 -2 10 1.667
9 Roma 8 -1 10 1.25
10 Victor 9 -4 10 1.111
11 Boris Sh. 4 0 9 2.25
12 Dr. Yurik 11 -1 9 0.818
13 Cüneyt 4 -1 8 2
14 Ilya L. 11 1 8 0.727
15 Antonio 2 1 7 3.5
16 Ilya B. 3 -1 7 2.333
17 Zhenia T. 4 0 7 1.75
18 Lyonya G. 8 1 7 0.875
19 Carlos 4 1 6 1.5
20 Grisha L. 5 -1 6 1.2
21 Kolya P. 9 2 6 0.667
22 Igor Gr. 4 3 5 1.25
23 Oliver 5 -1 5 1
24 Zhenia V. 5 -3 5 1
25 Oleg 12 4 5 0.417
26 Vlad T. 3 -1 4 1.333
27 Vlad U. 4 1 4 1
28 Camilo 5 0 4 0.8
29 Tony 6 1 4 0.667
30 Lesha K. 7 0 4 0.571
31 Michel 12 -1 4 0.333
32 Moisha 4 1 3 0.75
33 Secam 6 0 3 0.5
34 Lenia Ch. 8 3 3 0.375
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