17 Game Results – 2013-03-23 SAT – Snow just wouldn’t go away


 Cüneyt and Zhenia T. picked the teams  We played on the snow today.  Super LOW scoring game – only 5 goals
 By tomorrow most of the snow will go away
 Cüneyt convinced that we will be kicked out only on April 12.  Not everyone was prepared with plastic bags between their socks – it is still winter outside
  Let the green grass grow at Warren!

17 Game 2013-03-23-SAT

Game Timeline

10:06 – 0:1 – Zhenia T. – defense defenseless

10:07 – 0:2 Pasha misses one-on-one and the next opportunity – scores!

10:09 – 0:3 – Lenia Ch, – pass from Zhenia T.

***** Big, big break – 71 minutes – no goals *****

11:20 -1:3 – Cüneyt – individual effort

Oleg 2013-03-16 VMAC

11:24 – 1:4 – Dr. Yurik – fantastic goal after a pass from Vadim L.




Standings after 17 Games

If you have 5 games or more – you are here:

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Zhenia A. 14 8 6 0.429
02 Zhenia T. 9 5 15 1.667
03 Lesha K. 6 4 13 2.167
04 Lenia Ch. 6 3 3 0.5
05 Vadim L. 14 2 9 0.643
06 Vlad U. 5 1 2 0.4
07 Alex F. 6 1 2 0.333
08 Vladis Sh. 5 1 1 0.2
09 Cüneyt 6 0 10 1.667
10 Damon 8 0 8 1
11 Lyonya G. 7 0 3 0.429
12 Pasha S. 8 0 3 0.375
13 Stas M. 8 -1 5 0.625
14 Sergey K. 8 -1 5 0.625
15 Zhenia D. 5 -1 2 0.4
16 Bobby 5 -1 2 0.4
17 Dr. Yurik 13 -2 13 1
18 Misha P. 8 -2 8 1
19 Clive 8 -2 3 0.375
20 Yura B. 6 -4 6 1
21 Andres 9 -5 13 1.444
22 Oleg 13 -5 6 0.462
23 Alex Grt 17 -7 17 1
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