02 Game Results – 2012-05-09 WED – Match with an Armenian Team


 Waltham fields are wonderful in rain        One cancellation saved the day – we got the field at VMAC
     Main game ended at 18:48 with a tie 6:6    
         Then our people play with National Team of Armenia
 We lead most of the time, but lost at the end 5:6        
     Christof got 5 goals in the main game and one goal in auxiliary game    
         We are more organized with our dark and white shirts.  There are groups, who are less organized.
 Warm sprinkles cool the passionate game        


Game Timeline

18:03 – 0:0 – Start 5 on 5  on Waltham field number 1

18:35 – 5:1 – WHITEs playing down one manage to lead the game with 4 points

18:46 – 6:6 – DARKs managed to tie.  Unbelievable!

18:48 – 6:6 – Game merged with Armenian Team


We will deside later on out next Wednesday venue.


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