Home Forums Outside Places 2020 July AT VT trip III – preparations

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  • #7921
    Udar Gromov

    On Tuesday I received an unexpected call from my boss – this Friday is a furlough day at OTIS – you do not need to work. Wow! I will start to plan my next trip immediately.
    First hike without gloves – too hot for July.
    Day before departing I already attached the bike to the car.
    I did some extra French lessons to reduce pressure during the trip. After the first trip to library after 18 weeks of isolation I discovered who was singing a song with Russian word with a music of Little Russian – a group called Black Prince of Model Seven (Седьмая Модель). This song will now pursue me all trip long.
    My reference point for weather forecast this time is Rutland, VT. Weather promised to be hot 6and rain only on Thursday.

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