Home Forums Outside Places 02 2020-07-03 FR Peru Peak – Styles – Bromley Mountain

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  • #7904
    Udar Gromov

    06:30 – I am first to wake up and start gathering things.

    Depart promptly without a breakfast – just a bit of cold kasha and ½ banana. Let us get to a signal on top of Peru Peak (not marked).

    08:16 – Start day hike from Peru Shelter

    09:09 – 1.34 mi – climb to a Peru Peak (3,430′).  Feels like rain might start soon.  I see some yada yada yada “No Action for me” messages from work. Flies and black flies are attacking.  Fog is rolling in.

    09:51 – morning procedures in the woods, French lessons, make a chess moves in online game

    11:11 – hike between Peru and Styles Peak (3,389′)

    11:30 – rest at Styles Peak.  It is a bad-smelling place.  Someone or a group of people did some serious urination here.  Flies doing their happy mad buzz on heated rocks.  I am sending “All is good” message to Lira.

    11:54 – Start hiking down from Styles Peak towards Mad Tom Rd.

    12:30 An innocent rain starts and quickly grows into a storm. That was not in the forecast. Set a temp camp under a leaning tree. It is a strong wet rain that caught me off guard. Put on both rain cover for the backpack and poncho for me.

    13:21 – 13:24 – 4.4 mi completed – I am leaving Peru Peak Wilderness and descending into Mad Tom Notch.  Rain stopped, but it is still raining from wet trees.

    13:57 – a quick stop to drop the rain gear.  It is too hot.  An elder couple passes me by – they are in masks! – Wow! – Even here in the Garden of Eden.

    14:38 – estimate 6.72 to 7.1 mi completed – I am somewhere near Bromley Mtn. I see a work-related email request. I will do it on top of the mountain.

    15:02 – conquer Mount Bromley. It is covered in thick fog.  Take a rest at a ski lounge at Bromley (3,260′).  It is nice, dry, empty building with some benches and a table. I eat my last orange here.

    Only one more mile left to go today. Discover that work laptop’s battery discharged. Now, this laptop is a dead wight in my backpack – all 3.8 lb. of it (weighted later upon return).

    16:12 – descend from summit to the shelter.  Beginning of this section goes over a ski route

    16:21 – trail jumps back into the forest.  Bye-bye fog.

    16:47 – 8.1 mi – arrive to Bromley Shelter (2003).  There is one more couple here cooking and waiting to see what weather will do. Shelter is nice with 2 levels, covered common area and a solid table.  For overflow there are 3 tent platforms nearby.  Water is far enough that there are practically no bugs. Someone placed a large green leaf on the stone edge and now you can conveniently gather water dripping from the leaf. What an interesting simple invention!

    17:00 soon after arrival a serious rain develops.  Again, it was a small insignificant thing in the forecast, but rain grew into a serious downpour and started to wind down only around 18:30.

    18:24 – my time to cook – vegan meal.  My things are all comfortably spread, and bed is ready.

    19:50 – original couple gone right after rain stopped, and now three more hikers arrived – teacher with 2 teenage students.  They are doing Log Trail all the way to Canada.  They will sleep on the upper banks.

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