25 Game Results 2014-12-20 SAT Zhenia T. turnes game in a minute

Game Overview

Another very interesting game.  This time we played on a huge field – 25 players on the turf.  Despite overwhelming advantage on paper (Zhenia T, and Vlad R.) WHITEs did not materialize their advange for a very very long time.  At 11:123 WHITEs where even up by 2 points, it was all ended at 11:24 when Zheia T. scored two quick goals – 3:3.

Even after such a blow, WHITEs continued to play well few more minutes and Vlad 2 scored his second goal and a header – 4:3.  But that was all.  After that DARKs were completely dominating everywhere on the field and quick passed were tearing WHITEs defenses into shreds.  Game was interesting and competitive, but result was predictable and fair.

A quick note about Style:

We noticed that both Zhenia T. and Sasha V. practice a very conservative soccer style with a subtle leadership and without loud outbursts.  They try to involve all team members  through careful passing, and they personally spend a lot of time in defense.  Only after several preparatory passes we would see an ambitious long distance pass that relies on a fast running and creative thinking on the receiving end of the pass.  Watching this, we are constantly under impression that they play only half as strong as they potentially could.   And all this is great for raising our group overall level to a new high.

 Oleg picked for WHITEs  Lyonya G. picked for DARKs
 Gorgeous 121 minutes of the game
 Andres and Bobby was the first pick for WHITEs  Zhenia T. was a first pick for DARKs
 How the points are calculated if a person switches during the game:  Points are counted from first team where  this person started to play, unless this person scores a goal or assist while playing for the second team.
 Late arrivals for WHITEs: Vlad 2 (2 goals)and Sasha V. (!!!)  Late arrivals for DARKs: Vadim L., Oliver (1 goal), Dennis P. and Alex Grt (2 passes) switched to compensate for Stas M.

25 Game 2014-12-20 SAT

Game Timeline

09:59 – 0:0 – start 12-on-11 on a super huge field  and small goalsSergey K 2014-10-19 Brown
10:47 – 1:0 – Andres scores after a pass from Sasha V.
10:53 – 1:1 – Lyonya G. scored a good looking goal after a fast pass from Vlad R.
11:13 – 2:1 – Andres again – this time GK let the ball slip from his hands and blame the gloves

* * *  Alex Grt switches for DARKs – teams are now even – 12-on-12 * * *

11:23  – 3:1 – Vlad 2 – power and precision
11:24 – 3:2 – Zhenia T. pass from Vlad R.
11:24 – 3:3 – Zhenia T. – a long distance shot onto an empty net
11:36  – 4:3 – cross from Lesha K. and Vlad 2 scores another goal – header this time
11:37  – 4:4 – Zhenia T. to Alex Grt and to Lenia Ch. and score from the post into the net
11:42  – 4:5 – Alex Grt to Vlad R. to Damon and Damon scores his second  goal of the season
11:46 – Zhenia T, was shooting to get his third goal, but Sasha V. stopped the inevitable with a quick hand
12:00 – 4:6 – Oliver – pass from Vlad R.

Standings after 25 Games

Let’s keep threshold at 5 games one last time accommodate Kolya P. and Zhenia T.:

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game Points per Game
01 Alex Grt 25 9 22 0.88 0.360
02 Grisha Rom. 8 5 9 1.125 0.625
03 Josh 7 4 2 0.286 0.571
04 Vladis Sh. 6 4 0 0 0.667
05 Boris R. 6 3 7 1.167 0.500
06 Lyonya G. 15 3 6 0.4 0.200
07 Serezha 6 3 1 0.167 0.500
08 Sasha L. 5 2 14 2.8 0.400
09 Cüneyt 11 2 29 2.636 0.182
10 Abdoul 9 2 17 1.889 0.222
11 Zhenia T. 5 2 8 1.6 0.400
12 Bobby 13 2 7 0.538 0.154
13 Dr. Yurik 15 2 8 0.533 0.133
14 Alex Z. 7 2 3 0.429 0.286
15 Misha P. 12 2 3 0.25 0.167
16 Dima K. 9 2 2 0.222 0.222
17 Damon 11 2 2 0.182 0.182
18 Sergey K. 6 2 1 0.167 0.333
19 Zhenia A. 8 2 0 0 0.250
20 Tito 6 2 0 0 0.333
21 Vlad U. 7 1 4 0.571 0.143
22 Kevin 5 1 2 0.4 0.200
23 Arnaud 8 1 2 0.25 0.125
24 Gosha U. 5 1 1 0.2 0.200
25 Senia 5 1 0 0 0.200
26 Nick 6 0 22 3.667 0.000
27 Yura D. 8 0 6 0.75 0.000
28 Lesha K. 11 0 7 0.636 0.000
29 Vlad R. 10 0 6 0.6 0.000
30 Vadim L. 15 0 4 0.267 0.000
31 Vova M. 6 -1 4 0.667 (0.167)
32 Kolya P. 5 -1 1 0.2 (0.200)
33 Roma 10 -1 1 0.1 (0.100)
34 Oliver 6 -2 9 1.5 (0.333)
35 Lenia Ch. 17 -2 14 0.824 (0.118)
36 Stas M. 9 -2 4 0.444 (0.222)
37 Mitia 6 -2 2 0.333 (0.333)
38 Lee 11 -2 0 0 (0.182)
39 Fred 10 -3 6 0.6 (0.300)
40 Ruslan 5 -3 3 0.6 (0.600)
41 Arkasha B. 12 -3 5 0.417 (0.250)
42 Boris M. 5 -3 0 0 (0.600)
43 Vlad 2 6 -5 9 1.5 (0.833)
44 Oleg 19 -5 6 0.316 (0.263)
45 Ilya L. 10 -5 2 0.2 (0.500)
46 Andres 10 -7 15 1.5 (0.700)
47 Ilya B. 13 -7 17 1.308 (0.538)

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