21 Game Results – 2015-12-12 SAT – Grisha Rom. scored and fell


Game Overview

 Lots of people, 4 teams, excellent grassy fields, and unbelievably warm December

 Ruslan picked for DARKs        Lyonya G. picked for WHITEs
     Grisha Rom. scored twice with tremendous back pain    
 Ezio was pick umber one for WHITEs        Damon was pick number one – again!
     Late comer for WHITEs was Vlad 2, who unchecked scored 3 goals and server one corner    
 Ruslan manage to pick good both defense and offence – pretty impressive        Late comer for DARKs were Grisha Rom. and Vlad R. who only played 40 minutes


Game Timeline

Ilya B - Stas - Damon 2015-12-05 Warren09:52 – 0:1 – Roma scores with a very light touch 
10:08 – 1:1 – Ezio was serving corner and Andres scored 
10:15 – 2:1 – Vlad 2 – wonderful!
10:35 – 2:2 – Grisha Rom. scores his first goal with an injury
10:40 – 2:3 – this time Grisha Rom. scored and fell, and no longer could stand up – very scary.  This his goal number 25
10:45 – 3:3 – Vlad 2 served corner and Ezio scored a clean, perfect goal! 
10:55 – 4:3 – Andres – impossible, but very real goal
10:56 – 5:3 – Vlad 2 – pass from Andres
11: 20 – 6:3 – Vlad 2 again!
11:XX – 7:3 – Alex Grt scores – pass from Tim F.
11:XX – 8:3 – Alex Grt scores again! – pass from Andres
11:XX – 9:3 – Ilya L. decides not to pass, and scores instead – pass from Alex Grt

21 Game 2015-12-12 SA

Standings after 21 Games

Five games will remain a threshold for several more games:

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game Points per Game
01 Ruslan 8 6 11 1.375 0.750
02 Vlad T. 9 5 2 0.222 0.556
03 Mitia 5 5 1 0.2 1.000
04 Lesha K. 5 4 8 1.6 0.800
05 Ben 6 4 9 1.5 0.667
06 Boris M. 6 4 1 0.167 0.667
07 Vova M. 6 3 11 1.833 0.500
08 Ilya L. 12 3 9 0.75 0.250
09 Bobby 5 3 3 0.6 0.600
10 Alex Z. 5 3 3 0.6 0.600
11 Zia 6 2 10 1.667 0.333
12 Amr 5 2 6 1.2 0.400
13 Fred 8 2 7 0.875 0.250
14 Lenia Ch. 12 2 10 0.833 0.167
15 Valera 5 2 4 0.8 0.400
16 Tito 7 2 2 0.286 0.286
17 Misha P. 15 2 3 0.2 0.133
18 Vadim L. 7 2 0 0 0.286
19 Grisha Rom. 11 1 25 2.273 0.091
20 Victor 5 1 2 0.4 0.200
21 Arkasha B. 7 1 2 0.286 0.143
22 Dima K. 6 0 7 1.167 0.000
23 Alex Grt 21 0 14 0.667 0.000
24 Stas M. 16 0 9 0.563 0.000
25 Lyonya G. 10 0 3 0.3 0.000
26 Arnaud 7 0 2 0.286 0.000
27 Roma 6 -1 5 0.833 (0.167)
28 Vlad R. 5 -1 2 0.4 (0.200)
29 Vladis Sh. 5 -1 1 0.2 (0.200)
30 Boris R. 5 -3 7 1.4 (0.600)
31 Oleg 14 -3 6 0.429 (0.214)
32 Kolya P. 7 -3 2 0.286 (0.429)
33 Max 5 -3 1 0.2 (0.600)
34 Dr. Yurik 14 -4 13 0.929 (0.286)
35 Ilya B. 8 -4 3 0.375 (0.500)
36 Yura D. 10 -4 3 0.3 (0.400)
37 Andres 9 -5 12 1.333 (0.556)
38 Sergey K. 8 -5 2 0.25 (0.625)
39 Lee 12 -8 3 0.25 (0.667)
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