15 Game Results – 2015-04-26 SUN Last game was a tough tie


Game Overview

 The Spring Season (JANUARY – APRIL) is over.  The final results are in.
Next statistical game on a new Summer season will be help on SAT, May 9, 2015.


 Vlad U. picked for WHITEs       Arnaud picked for DARKs 
     24 player shared a restored Warren field on a medium to large goals    
 Late Arrivals for WHITEs:        Late arrivals for DARKs:
 Vadim L.        Victor
Mitia        Vova
 Grisha Rom.        Stas M.
 Igor Sh.        Misha P.
Oleg       Fred


Game Timeline

 09: 39 – Vlad manages a quick game start 7-on-7, but people continue to arrive from Brown.  With a last late Oleg arrival at 09:53  game becomes a delightful 12-on-12
09:49 – 0:1 – Zhenia D. – pass from Victor
09:52 – 1:1 – Yura D. – a long-distance serve, and ball slowly goes pass defenders and GK into the far, far corner of the net
10:04 – 1:2 – Zhenia D. scores again – passes from Fred and from Vova M.
10:14 – 2:2 – and Yura D. also scores his second goal
10:33 – Fred scores!!!  – but Vlad U. claims that he stopped because Zhenia glasses were on the ground.  This is very believable, and goal disallowed
10:35 – 2:3 – they did not count a goal that Fred scored just minutes ago, and now Fred supplies a super unselfish pass to Alex Grt and score!  Wow!
10:51 – 3:3 – William was standing on the goals for DARKs and peacefully watching how ball slowly approaches and lands into the net with a tiny help from Grisha Rom. Lesson: do not trust your goals to uncheck resources!
10:53 – WHITEs loose Boris Ra.  It is 12-on-11 now
11:15 – 3:4 – Vova M. doesn’t disappoint after receiving a pass from Alex Grt and scoring a sure goal.
11:22 – 4:4 – Alex Grt did not clear the ball on time . .   ball is intercepted and after a series of quick passes ball finally crosses the line – Bobby scores the last goal of the season
11:28 – * * * The End * * * –  Final moments of the season: people start leaving, and switching, and changing and some even continue to play


15 Game 2014-04-26 SU

Final Spring Season Standings

Only four games are required to qualify in this “low-game count” season: 

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game Points per Game
01 Zhenia T. 8 5 15 1.875 0.625
02 Alex Grt 15 5 15 1 0.333
03 Vlad R. 8 3 11 1.375 0.375
04 Vadim L. 6 3 1 0.167 0.500
05 Oliver 5 2 8 1.6 0.400
06 Andrzej 4 2 5 1.25 0.500
07 Ezio 6 2 4 0.667 0.333
08 Vladis Sh. 6 2 1 0.167 0.333
09 Amr 7 1 8 1.143 0.143
10 Damon 7 1 3 0.429 0.143
11 Yura D. 4 0 3 0.75 0.000
12 Oleg 14 0 9 0.643 0.000
13 Arkasha B. 5 0 3 0.6 0.000
14 Fred 6 0 2 0.333 0.000
15 Lenia Ch. 8 0 2 0.25 0.000
16 Vlad U. 6 0 1 0.167 0.000
17 Misha P. 9 0 0 0 0.000
18 Roma 5 -1 6 1.2 (0.200)
19 Misha Tax 4 -1 2 0.5 (0.250)
20 Bobby 5 -1 2 0.4 (0.200)
21 Sergey K. 7 -1 2 0.286 (0.143)
22 Serezha 4 -1 1 0.25 (0.250)
23 Lyonya G. 4 -1 1 0.25 (0.250)
24 Dr. Yurik 10 -1 2 0.2 (0.100)
25 Kolya P. 5 -2 5 1 (0.400)
26 Yura A. 4 -2 1 0.25 (0.500)
27 Stas M. 7 -2 1 0.143 (0.286)
28 Andres 7 -3 11 1.571 (0.429)
29 Tito 4 -3 1 0.25 (0.750)
30 Mitia 9 -5 3 0.333 (0.556)
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