07-11 Uzerche to Montignac and to Sarlat (Friday, July 11, 2014)

July 11, Friday

Hour by Hour

[16 vs. 8]

We woke up around 10am in Uzerche

Started driving to Montignac.  Our car is OK.  It was parked in a super-narrow spot, but somehow – no scratches on the sides.

12:00 We paid toll €3.10 cash


Map - from Uzerche to Grotte de Lascaux - Montignac IMAGE 02 IMAGE 03


13:32 We bought tickets (MC €19.80)  for a 15:30 English tour for Lascoux II cave


07-11 13:32 - Montignac - Ticket to the caves 07-11 En Aparte on the map of Montignac
Touristy Tricks: to make you to stop in the city, tickets are ONLY sold in Office de Tourisme de Montignac.  There are NO tickets at the caves. Montignac has one main street (Rue du 4-Septembre), and caves are a little over a mile from the center

14:00 We ate outside (à l’extérieur) at Montignac restaurant called En Aparte (MC €28) Salad and Quiche – Many thanks for the warm reception!


I07-11 14:22 Montignac - En Aparte - vegan friendly 07-11 14:01 En Aparte - Montignac 07-11 14:22 En Aparte - Thank you
If you want raw – you got it! This place just opened up this year, and it represents a new wave and a new trend If you want healthy – you got it!



While eating I made a reservation on Booking.com at a Sarlat hotel – technology rules!

We drove back to Lascaux II for a tour


Very interesting English tour with lots of questions: what is the reason for paintings on the walls of caves that were not inhabited?


07-11 16;02 Lascaux II IMAGE 02 IMAGE 03
Why they did not draw people? Not a single person in the entire cave?  Who said that people draw these? TEXT 02 TEXT 03


Pictures inside the caves– iPhone is very forgiving for low light

Started driving to Sarlat (15 miles = 24 km)

Sun is almost out for the first time in days – very pleasant

17:30 Found free parking and checked into the hotel (pay later)


IMAGE 01 IMAGE 02 Map - from Montignac to Sarlat


19:00 Start our city walk (5 minutes from the center)


07-11 19;20 Sarlat - Tow boys on a Place de la Liberte 07-11 19:53 Sarlat - 3 Jean Jaures 07-11 20:18 Sarlat - Lanterne des morts
Sarlat main square – Place de la Liberté – this is a must photo shut with a bronze boy 3 r Jean Jaures.  Less visited street, but even more spectacular décor Lanterne des Morts – An exact purpose is unknown..  This could be either flashlight of dead, or flashlight of Moors



21:57 – Eat and paid at restorant L’Alexandre (€31 MC)

22:25 – Kebab (€4.50)
[ 17:47 EST = 23:47] Time to go to sleep . . .

(Visited 305 times, 1 visits today)

Navigate through the List

  1. 07-04 First Steps in Paris (Friday, July 4, 2014) (2014/07/04)
  2. 07-05 Paris - View from a sharp angle (July 5-6, 2014) (2014/07/05)
  3. 07-07 Paris - Père Lachaise and Saint Denis (July 7-8, 2014) (2014/07/07)
  4. 07-09 From Paris to Beaugency [bo:zhensi:] (Wednesday, July 09, 2014) (2014/07/09)
  5. 07-10 Beaugency to Uzerche (Thursday, July 10, 2014) (2014/07/10)
  6. 07-11 Uzerche to Montignac and to Sarlat (Friday, July 11, 2014) (2014/07/11)
  7. 07-12 Sarlat, Rocamadour, Figeac and Bouziès (Saturday, July 12, 2014) (2014/07/12)
  8. 07-13 From Bouziès to Albi (Sunday, July 13 2014) (2014/07/13)
  9. 07-14 From Albi to Toulouse and to Auch (Monday, July 14 2014) (2014/07/14)
  10. 07-15 From Auch to Lupiac (birthplace of D'Artagnan) to Tabres (2014/07/15)
  11. 07-16 From Tabres into Spain and Pyrenees (2014/07/16)
  12. 07-17 Reaching for the highest point in Pyrenees (2014/07/17)
  13. 07-18 Monastery in Yesa, Navarra (Spain) (2014/07/18)
  14. 07-19 Back to France - Busy Biarritz (2014/07/19)
  15. 07-20 SUN - Bordeaux - city with large squares (2014/07/20)

1 Comment

  1. Hello !
    I remembrer You !
    I hope your hollidays give You the best of what we can do in France !
    It was a pleasur to receive you in our patisserie-salon de thé.

    We hope you’ll give our adress to your friends for the futur.

    Nice to met you.
    Best regards,

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