2012-12-11 Tue – Grisha Rom. Update and more . . .

On Sunday, December 9, 2012 after the main game ended, a smaller game (6-on-7) continued on a small field.

When score was 7:1, and everybody was relaxed and happy, a stray ball hit Grisha Rom, and he fell on the ground (around 11:46).

We knew right away that something is wrong, and game ended immediately.  Although Grisha raised up to his feet, he could not see out of his left eye.

Andrey S. took him to Mass Eye and Ear Hospital on a white Prius.

By 8PM on Sunday I received a very first update (from Alex F.) that everything is more or less OK.

At 10AM on Monday Andrey posted a note from first hands:

“Doctor said that it would be OK.  They gave him some eye-drops and advised to  restrict movements.  The blood is from the impact.”

That is all the information that is in public domain right now.



Also,  for our Russian readers, Grisha is asking to distribute this link to everyone, who is interested in witty Russian humor:


Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2012 21:52:44 -0500
From: Gregory Romanovsky
To: Alex the Great
Subject: update from Grisha Rom

Слухи о моей смерти сильно преувеличены тчк зрение постепенно возвращается зпт глаз на месте тчк спасибо всем за заботу вскл знк. Одноглазый


[Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 21:48]

Ссылка на Новогоднюю КВН Видео Игру:


Перешлите кто чем может!   Спасибо.

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