Home Forums Inside Inner Circle Items to check during a simple home inspection

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  • #9295
    Udar Gromov

    When you contemplating to make an offer to buy a house, here are some points to check beforehand:

    – bring a small vacuum cleaner or electric drill and check that circuit breakers are not tripping
    – check gaps and evenness of all doors. Can you close and open all the locks
    – check all windows are opening and closing
    – check all the sliding doors and screens
    – check visible unevenness or cracks in the floors
    – check if stairs are creaking
    – holes and patches in the ceiling
    – Shower floors are tilted in the direction of the drains, water doesn’t accumulates under shower glass and not streaming outside to the bathroom floor,
    – check baths and sinks stoppers are actually holding water.
    – can the owners provide paint leftovers or paint codes for walls, trim and the ceiling?
    – check the circuit breaker box. Are all the breakers marked clearly? What id the total capacity (normally 200 amp)
    – can you hear people talking downstairs in the master bedroom?
    – can you hear garage door opening and closing in the master bedroom?
    – can you hear flushing of the toilets in the bedrooms?
    – signs of water damage on the ceilings and on the basement floor

    – does garage door sits straight on the ground? Can you hear garage door opens in master bedroom?
    – check the gutters around the house. Does water can escape away from the house?
    – do porch boards are secured in place and not wobbly
    – does railing can withstand a leaning of a person?
    – inspect gutters and downspouts. Check for signs of overflow or erosion on the ground?
    – manually check the soundness of stonework. Can individual pieces be moved, are the securely attached?
    – does the roof looks sturdy and neat – binoculars will help.

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