Home Forums My Football Good and bad about the Permits

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  • #2334
    Alex the Great

    We’ve got permits 3 times in the past. Only for Sundays. 2 years ago Vlad U. got us permit for Brown field number 2, and Alex got the permit for Warren youth soccer field.

    Procedure for Newton:

    Collect 16 current driver license copies from Newton residents

    Fill in the form


    Attach $75 and send to Newton Parks and Recreation Department

    Positive side of permit:

    Members who paid are always allowed to play even, if they are late. Non-paying player are asked to step down. That is the only way to provide old-timers a guaranteed place in the game.

    Negative side of permits:

    Permits only available for Sundays

    Permits only available for spring (April through June) and Fall (September through November)


    Who would volunteer to collect the money?

    Who would collect people’s driver’s licenses?

    Who would fill out the application?

    Who would contact Newton Parks and Recreations?

    If you have answers for any of these questions – please proceed . . . with caution.


    I know everyone is off playing for the summer, for those of us in such a climate. But, doesnt it cross your mind during these months about what Chris was experiencing on a daily basis? What was he doing 21 years ago today?

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