09 Game Results 2013-06-15 SAT Defensive Team vs. Black Hawks



Ruslan picked first for DARKs and his first pick was Zhenia D.   Boris R. picked for WHITEs and his first pick was … .
 Not a single cloud in the sky
 Ruslan picked an offensive team  Boris picked a defensive team
 Perfect mild weather
 Zhenia V. arrived late for DARKs  Oliver and Sasha N. (new) arrived late for WHITEs
 Oliver jumps to the top with three out of three wins


Game Timeline


09:40 – 0:0 – Start on a large field and middle size goals.  Good grass, away from the puddles

09:52 – 1:0 – Alex Grt barely touches – pass from Camilo

09:53 – 2:0 – Oliver fed a precise pass between defenders, and Boris R. rolls a perfect goal on Oleg

10:00 – 2:1 – Zhenia V. scores after ball was intercepted near the goals

10:04 – Boris R. passes and Camilo scores a goal from a close distance

10:09 – 3:2 – Zhenia V. – completely individual effort – nobody could do anything

10:16 – 4:2 – Camilo serves right into GK hands, but ball goes to the post and into the net

10:21 – 5:2 – GK gives a fast pass to Boris R., and Boris supplies Oliver with his first goal

10:25 – 6:2 – Misha P. to Camilo, to Oliver and a perfect goal

10:27 – 7:2 – Boris to Oliver and  . . . score!!!

10:29 – 8:2 – Camilo – third pass from Boris R.

10:39 – 9:2 – Ilya L.

10:47 – 9:3 – Oliver stopped the shot, but ball continued to travel into the net – Zhenia V> – third goal!

10:49 – 9:4 – Ruslan passes, and Zhenia V. scores goal number FOUR!

10:56 – 10:4 – Lenia Ch. was close, but Oliver did the job done – goal number FOUR!

11:04 – 10:5 – Zhenia T. managed to score a cool-headed goal in the middle of surrounding mess

11:06 – 10:5 – *** The END ***


09 Game 2013-06-15-SAT



Arkasha B 2013-06-15 WarrenStandings after 09 Games

Nu Player Games Wins Losses Goals Goals per Game
01 Oliver 3 3 7 2.333
02 Alex Grt 9 3 5 0.556
03 Cüneyt 3 1 8 2.667
04 Lenia Ch. 7 1 7 1
05 Camilo 3 1 5 1.667
06 Vlad U. 3 1 3 1
07 Vova M. 3 1 2 0.667
08 Michel 3 1 2 0.667
09 Jamie 5 1 2 0.4
10 Victor 3 1 1 0.333
11 Dr. Yurik 7 1 1 0.143
12 Ilya L. 6 0 6 1
13 Ruslan 4 0 5 1.25
14 Zhenia D. 4 0 4 1
15 Kolya P. 4 0 4 1
16 Vadim L. 6 0 1 0.167
17 Oleg 6 -1 2 0.333
18 Grisha Rom. 4 -2 9 2.25
19 Boris R. 6 -2 4 0.667
20 Lyonya G. 6 -2 2 0.333
21 Misha P. 6 -2 1 0.167
22 Alex Z. 4 -2 0 0
23 Boris Sh. 6 -4 5 0.833
24 Stas M. 4 -4 2 0.5
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