Home Forums Inside This WordPress Site How to remove Search box from [bbp-topic-index] page

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    After upgrading to the latest bbPress plugin version, I ‘ve noticed an extraneous search box above all the content. This problem seem to apply to both [bbp-topic-index] page and [bbp-forum-index] page.

    Who found a solution on how to remove the Search box from these pages?


    I have exactly the same problem. Not only bbPress pages [bbp-topic-index] and [bbp-forum-index] display a search box, but this search boxes doesn’t work. If user tries to use it, results are all scrambled and unreadable.


    I think I can help you here.

    To remove bbPress Search box from page [bbp-forum-index] copy content-archive-forum.php from wp-content\plugins\bbpress\templates\default\bbpress to your theme and remark out code:

    bbp_get_template_part( 'form', 'search' );

    To remove bbPress Search box from page [bbp-topic-index] copy content-archive-topic.php from wp-content\plugins\bbpress\templates\default\bbpress to your theme and remark out the same line:

    bbp_get_template_part( 'form', 'search' );

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