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Finding Self

Успокой ум

Успокой ум – это один из приемов как стать счастливым – хотя бы на мгновение. Что подразумевается под призывом – успокой ум?  –01– Обрати внимание на беспокойство (pay attention to your anxiety) и перестань беспокоиться. Спроси себя – Кто беспокоится? – Ум беспокоится.  –02– Переведи свой фокус в настоящий момент. […]


How to enter GPS coordinates into Google Maps

Let’s say you moved pictures  from your smart phone to a PC, but you want to know, where this picture was taken.  Most likely picture would have a GPS information attached to it (unless you explicitly disabled that feature on your phone).  Open picture properties (Alt + Enter) and check […]


Aug 23 THU – Cinque Terra [… in progress …]

[…in progress…] Our bus to the train station was scheduled for 09:10, so we woke up at 07:30 and went down to have a large free breakfast. Fruits and eggs, and several cornetti (croissants).  Very good. At the front desk I did buy  2 LEVANTO – LA SPAZIA unlimited one […]

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Ответ на статью – С.Д. Хайтун – Четыре ошибки Карла Маркса и их проекция на путинскую Россию (with English summary)

Summary in English: Industrial revolution caused thinkers and western society in XIX century perceive disasters and conflicts of growing capitalism. Marx offered a revolutionary solution in one panful jump via abolishing private property and empowering Government to be the overseer of property and the protector of the weak and meek. […]


Standup chair for a standup desk

Lift Your Table ® TM Risers Lifts STRAIGHT LEG KIT – $35 Install table legs without any tools It started as an absolute necessity.  I worked so many hours in a single two weeks stretch (Monday, September 8 – Friday, September 19, 2014) that I simply could not sit anymore.  […]


Lyme Disease – What Does It Look Like?

You can collect a dozen of deer ticks in a few hours while in Cutler Park What does Lyme disease look like?  We heard so much about the dangers of an infected tick bite, but never got a chance to look the danger in the face.  Ticks are everywhere in […]



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A word from our partners

At First Sight